Friday, September 11, 2009

LC Moo 2 September, 2009

I was very enthusiastic to try moo as even though I had heard of it, had never used it.
Due to other work commitments I only was able to access my emails with my user name and password, a short time before the meeting began. It took a couple of attempts for me to actually get into the program and then finding the room in which the meeting was taking place was another issue! I felt totally out of depth using this program as I had no idea what to do, how to do it, where to do, or even why I was doing it!!! When I finally found where my fellow students were at the meeting was already in progress by the time I arrived.
As the assigment was looming I figured that tonight's chat would be about the assignment. That did not happen. I guess I attribute that to my earlier point that when there is a large group of people in a chat the discussion can tend to get lost and it seems like there is no one driving it.
As one requires an invitation, user name and password to enter the site I would imagine that Moo would be fairly secure for students to use. I can imagine them finding the process engaging as they more around virtual rooms etc.
I would say my Moo experience was not something that I enjoyed, but would use it again with my students (providing I was able to broaden my knowledge of the site).

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