Saturday, October 31, 2009

Topic 6 - Exercise 6.1

Design rules and your CSU Forum Experience
Consider all the times you have used a CSU forum in your study in all subjects. Under the 3 headings from table 2, purpose, people and community size, describe in your own words any forum experiences where you not only felt a sense of belonging, worth and satisfaction, but a sense of loss when the forum was closed. If this has never happened to you explain why under the same 3 headings.
Using the CSU Forum I have the opportunity to interact with students who are working towards a common goal and thus there purpose for participating in the forum is similar to mine. This common purpose influences the character or tone of the interactions.

There is a wide range of people comprised in the forum and despite sharing a common goal they have different experiences and therefore can offer a variety of useful information to the group – making participation worthwhile.

Community Size

Bearing this is mind, interacting with the online community that is the CSU Forum is worthwhile in the sense that we can share ideas, discuss problems and vent frustrations. Even if members of the community do not have solutions to the problems it is satisfying being able to “vent” or discuss issues that other members of the group are more likely to understand.
With the above points in mind, it is fair to say that when interacting on the CSU Forum or indeed, just lurking I do indeed feel a sense of worth and belonging knowing that I am not alone. in my journey.

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