The 30 Minute Walk
Take a break and go for a walk for 15-30 minutes. Like me, you need the exercise, so relax and enjoy the surroundings of your farm or neighborhood, as you need a break from the computer.
Come back to the computer and begin writing a short narrative on the experience. It took me over 200 words to record mine!
Currently living in a small mining community I did not think my surroundings were that exciting or refreshing. In hindsight I am thinking now that maybe I just haven’t taken the time “to smell the roses” so to speak, before now. Anyway, as part of topic 8, I donned my sandshoes and set off for a walk around the area surrounding my home. Out the front of my house, I can only see a main road dotted with lots of “sub standard” mining houses….pretty boring and mundane. Not really enthused by this prospect I set out the back of my house. Initially, I am surrounded by a railway track and a multitude of my next door neighbour’s collection of various machinery……not to be deterred I set off down past the railway track and discover a walking track…..I am wondering if it is safe to go down there by myself but decide to be brave so off I go. I cannot believe I have lived here for 6 years and have never once been down this track, this in itself is a reflection of the busy lifestyle I lead…or maybe a reflection of my laziness (the jury is still out on that one). Anyway, the track is steep and I have to do everything I can to stop myself from sliding down the hill….but I still keep on. I noticed the stillness as I am beginning to walk through bushland…the smell is also prominent. It has been raining and I have heard people say they love the smell of the rain and the bush but had never really considered that before now. I walk for about 10 minutes and I am amazed to come across a small river….it looks a bit wet and soggy so I don’t go to close. Instead I stand there and take in the silence, which is occasionally broken by a bird calling. I reflect on all that is happening in my life at the moment, which includes working my way through this unit. I take a few deep breaths, stand and ponder for a few minutes longer and then off I set again up the steep hill, feeling recharged and ready to steam roll ahead again.
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