Sunday, November 1, 2009

CIO Recommendations

CIO Recommendations

Using Social Networks for Professional DevelopmentBefore making recommendations regarding the use of social networks for Professional Development, we believe it essential to address three main areas common to these types of networks. This is important to ensure all staff involved has clear understandings of social networks before investigating tools that may be valuable for this purpose.
Issues involved with using social networks for professional development in the workplace.
Successful professional development using social networking requires clear goals decidedupon by staff members from all levels. Goals should be evaluated regularly in order to ensure their achievement and relevance. It may be necessary, during such evaluation, to make changes to the goals or the methods being used to reach them, if either are deemed unsuccessful.
Policies and Rules:
These also need to be clear, and a sense of ownership and worth is created when all staff is involved. Rules and policies should be freely available - in hard copy and online form. Providing explicit rules helps maximise productivity and ensures accountability by increasing the likelihood that all employees remain on task, are aware of accepted best practice, expected standards of interaction and communication and personal responsibilities.

· Initial training, should occur face-to-face involving members from all company levels allowing trust to be developed amongst staff from the beginning.

· Allowing time for more informal chat between members further develops elements of trust and confidence in all aspects of the network

· Involving all stakeholders in decision making and planning should occur in the initial stages and agreement reached regarding a time line for implementation

· All staff members should have a presence within the network, abide by rules and guidelines and be given the opportunity to comment, share talk and discuss. Doing this encourages collaboration, improves teamwork and demonstrates that everyone is valued.

· Following company policy, a clear distinction should be made between work-based and personal social networks with only members of the company staff joining the network or using appropriate tools if sensitive material is to be discussed. Staff should be acknowledged for using the networks and the achievements they make in Professional Development to help with group momentum.
· If social networks are to be implemented, reliable technical support must be constantly available to users.

· Support should also include offering of staff training to maximise use of the network and familiarity with it and any supplementary tools being used.Time also needs to be factored in as staff still requires time to access the social network to participate in the professional development or professional discussion
· Differences across the company community should be catered for.
· Items such as
· distance and time zones,
· culture and language
· staff ages
· differing hardware available
· varying broadband speeds need full consideration if social networks are to be used effectively
All measures should be put in place to ensure privacy and security for members of the network and any tasks they are working on. These should be laid down clearly within the company policies
Web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis, podcasts and video lectures) used to complement social networks.
A variety of Web 2.0 tools are available to support the use of social networks we have listed some here:
· Blog sites are useful for adding announcements, scheduling meetings, new information or links to websites, uploading documentation - such as course outlines and expectations. Blogs can also be used as a way of keeping track of or up date with a project as it goes through development. Staff members should be encouraged to subscribe to RSS feeds for any of these sites in order to keep up with changes that may occur within them.

· A wiki can be used for collaborative writing of policy documents and submissions.

· Podcasts could be used for delivering tutorials or revising other professional development experiences and allows this to be done by staff members in their own time.

· Video lectures could be used to reach all members of the network and replace face to face meetings with experts when this is difficult in real-time due to distance or availability.
It is important to note that most social networking sites have a selection of Web 2.0 tools available for use.
Developing and sustaining a work-related social network.
To develop, establish and sustain a work related social network for professional development the following needs to be taken into account:
Planning considerations
· Good planning in the initial stages will set the tone for the development of and the ability to sustain the workplace network. Through liaison between working parties decisions are made about goals, professional development, use of personnel and scheduling.

Support Considerations
· Ongoing technical support is required ensuring the smooth running of the network.

· Support with the initial use of software - making sure all staff members have necessary skill in both hardware and software use.
· Setting aside of time for professional development within working hours

· Demonstration of support of the implementations to all workers by company executives.

· Acknowledgement of network members and their skills and achievements and how these will occur.
Budget considerations
· What the company's budget is for the exercise - as this will have bearings on which social networks are implemented as well as their, development and sustenance.

· Costs to the company - as many social networks have extra costs associated with them to increase their functionality, these must be budgeted for.

Security considerations
· Differentiation between work-place and personal use of social networks should be clear

· Policies for which tools are suitable for particular tasks and communication need to be clearly stated and adhered to, with consequences in place for any breaches.

· The company must evaluate Risk vs. Reward - email is quicker than snailmail and has a quicker cyclical turnaround - instant messaging is quicker again yet all methods carry risks of 'leaking' sensitive information.
In providing professional development experiences for staff, we have found that there is no one 'best' option for the job. However, a 'mashup' of different applications may be the best viable option. In this regard, four social networking tools have been researched to determine the possibility of using these tools to provide professional development experiences for staff. We have listed below, our investigations into these social networks for your consideration:
Skype is software using VOIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol) to allow communication over the internet for free between users who have it installed. Skype allows computers, or other devices to become phones. Calls can also be made to landlines and mobile numbers at minimal cost beginning at 3.1 cents per call. Skype software is free, easy to download, has an interface that is ‘user friendly’, and works across major operating systems and with most computers. It offers features such as instant messaging, one-way screen sharing, file transfer and audio/video conferencing. It would be an excellent tool, as is, for both local and global office communications. If sensitive information is being dealt with and security is to be considered, Skype can be switched through a telephone PBX system which will allow closer monitoring of calls and types of information being exchanged.
Second Life is a multi-user virtual environment where people log into a virtual world and take on virtual personas known as avatars. In the three dimensional environment users interact with each other either by text or audio. There are a variety of useful professional development tools available such as an instant chat facility, audio recording and playback and video and hypermedia presentation software. It is also possible to provide links to blogs, wikis and other internet sites. Second Life requires fast internet connections and up-to-date computers with good video cards and whilst Second Life enables professional development to occur with participants around the globe time zones can become a difficulty if collaboration is required. Setting up a work related Second Life network is very expensive with significant development and running costs.
Facebook is a global networking site where people can connect with others by sending messages and engaging in asynchronous chat. This is an advantage when connecting with people in different time zones. Facebook is relatively simple to use and provides the users with the capabilities of using a variety of different tools such as wikis, blogs and podcasting. In terms of using Facebook for professional development the advantage is that membership to a particular network is by invitation only - this is particularly useful when discussing sensitive issues online. A possible disadvantage of using Facebook for professional development is that employees may be tempted to use the social networking site for personal reasons during work time. To overcome this and to ensure worker productivity is not lost there would have to be a clear set of guidelines that is followed by all employees.
Ning is an online platform for people to create their own social networks around specific interests with their own visual design, choice of features and member data. With that in mind, it is a great starting point for a work-related social network. Its basic features include:
· A blog for each individual member of the Ning.
· A discussion forum.
· A photo upload feature.
· A basic chat room.
Beyond these features, Ning allows its’ network creators to add additional applications to their network that allow them to customise the network more in line with their users’ desires. As of May, 2009 additional applications have been made available to network creators, including wiki creation and TokBox, a live video chat service. By using Google’s OpenSocial API’s Ning has made application creation or porting to Ning easy for developers, turning an already well-rounded Web 2.0 application into the perfect vehicle for a knowledgeable and patient network creator to establish a work-related social network.

Red Pod Meeting 27 October, 2009

I am afraid I was a little late joining the group tonight as I have been very unwell. I was well aware that I needed medical attention (having an asthma attack) but felt I needed to fulfill my part of the assignment before I left!!!! I battled through and really appreciated the support of my fellow RedPod Members and their care and concern that preceeded into the next few days. The document is finally ready to go.......!!!

RedPod Meeting - 26 October 2009

Tonight was the night when the group had planned to get together to make our CIO Recommendations. I must admit this night did not seem at times like it was ever going to happen. I think this assignment has been particularly hard for all of us, not just because we were juggling work, family and study commitments but also because most of the time we were not sure if we were heading in the right direction.

We met tonight using Etherpad (this time it worked) and it was good because we could all share our ideas on the whiteboard colloboratively. There were some issues with Etherpad "dropping out" at times but at least we were able to get the project going.

I liked being able to work colloboratively with the others. Sometimes you know what you want to say but not sure how to word it and it was good to write ideas down on the whiteboard in Etherpad and then ask for suggestions on how to improve it.

I also liked the way how all our group were respectable to one and other and no-one dismissed other people's ideas. Generally speaking, we worked well together and we were able to accomplish the task (although it took several hours tonight and isn't quite finished)

Red Pod Meeting - 17 October, 2009

Tonight Ben was unable to meet with the group and initially it was just Lesley and I. I had not used Wordpress before and had limited experiences setting up a blog or even using one for that matter and Lesley was able to show me how to create pages and link them. I felt a bit silly having to ask how to do it - but was refreshed a little later when Liz came online and asked the same thing. I was very proud that I was able to impart the information that Lesley shared with me onto Liz.

RedPod Meeting -

Tonight Lesley and I just met and discussed our progress. I had done some research on Facebook and discussed with Lesley what I had done so far. From speaking with Lesley I had more inspirations on what to write and research so was soon on my way again to find out more information.

RedPod Meeting 3 10 October 2009

We received confirmation back from Ken today that the group was on the right track, which was good news for us all.

Tonight, we discussed ways we have experienced colloborative learning work in the classroom - addressing the advantages and disadvantages.

As decided at an earlier meeting we all were going to "take" one online networking site and do research on it. My task is to research Facebook - I plan to begin looking at relevant sides in the very near future.

Meeting 2 7 October, 2009

At tonight's meeting Ben was able to join us - and we informed him of what we had discussed in the previous meeting and how we thought we would approach it. This brought about a whole set of new questions as to whether or not we were approaching the task correctly, were we answering the questions sufficiently and so on. After what seemed like hours of pondering and discussing it was decided that we should contact our lecturer, Ken, and seek guidance to ensure that we were on the right track. Liz volunteered to be the one to do that.

I have to be honest I am feeling somewhat confused (as I think my whole group may be as well) and not sure what I am meant to be doing or how I am going to achieve it! I am hoping when we receive the response to Liz's questions to Ken we will feel a tad more reassured.

I hope!!!

RedPod Meeting 2 October 09

After the failed Etherpad attempt to meet the group decided that it would be a good idea to try to meet again but this time use Skpe as the online networking tool. We thought Skype might be slightly more reliable and that it was! We had to meet later in the evening because one of our group members is based in Darwin and we needed to accomodate the time difference.

I was a little concerned about our RedPod formation as we have five members, Myself, Lesley, Liz, Ben and Shin. I had not had any previous contact with Shin, nor had I seen her on the CSU Forum, in fact, the only way I learnt of Shin's existence was when the groups were formed and that name was on the list. Nevertheless, not wanting to exclude any of our members from meeting we decided to post our intention to meet on the CSU forum for which, Ben was unable to attend and we did not hear anything once again from Shin.

During this meeting Liz, Lesley and I discussed how we would approach the task. We decided to form a group blog (using wordpress) as a colloborative tool. We also decided to each take one online networking tool each (for example, skype, second life, facebook etc) and using the assignment questions as a guide research that particular networking site and post our findings to the group blog. Lesley kindly offered to set up the group blog.

Having feeling as though we accomplished something tonight we left with plans to meet again in the near future to discuss progress.

Meeting (A) Redpod Group

Shortly after submitting the first assignment for this unit I decided to take the initiative and contact my fellow red group members to set up a meeting to discuss assignment 2.

I posted the idea onto the CSU forum and both Lesley and Liz replied. We decided to meet using Etherpad the following night. When the time came to meet I went to log into Etherpad but found for some reason I couldn't. Thus, I spent a frantic hour trying to work out why I couldn't access Etherpad as well as posting messages on the forum informing my fellow group members why I suggested the meeting and was a no show.

It turned out that the others in the group also had problems with Etherpad as well - so at least that made me feel a bit better. I guess no matter how reliable the person is, sometimes technology can be a tad unreliable.!!

Webex 30 September - 2009

I was very curious to try Webex as it sounded interesting and I hadn't experienced anything like it before.

I received my invitation to join early in the day but found that I was unable to accept the invitation until right before the meeting began. I found this a tad daunting - as my computer is not always the most reliable and I would of liked to of been prepared if anything should not go to plan. Luckily, everything did go to plan and I was able to accept the invitation without any problems.

I had my microphone and earphones set and ready to go, but found I could not hear properly nor could others hear me, thus my microphone and earphones were malfunctioning! This did not seem to be a huge problem as I could still hear without the earphones, but the only problem was I couldn't speak.

I liked how on Webex the person who is facillitating the meeting can "mute" other participants. I sometimes find dialogue during online discussions (particilarly when several people are participating) can run in many different directions and thus can be confusing. The "mute" function helps to overcome that. Similarly, I liked how participants could use the hands up function.

I can see Webex or a program similar to it being advantageous in a remote school similar to the one where I am currently working in. At out school we are often short of specialist teachers and I see (if it wasn't for the financial cost) that we could employ a specialist teacher to instruct classes via Webex, as the students can still see the instructor and vice versa. Of course, in terms of behaviour management there would have to be a teacher physically in the room with the students however, I think this could be something that isolated schools should probably think about considering.

Topic 10 Exercise 10.1

Social Networks Case Study

Social network analysis of our weekly meetings and blogs

Since we have a fine collection of artefacts from our own learning community in this subject, use the references to guide your directions AND figure 1 on mapping the social network as a set of nodes, follow these steps (HINT - don't pick too small or too big an extract)

What to do:

Who is following who? Examine the blogs in your POD and work out the map of followers/following relationship.

Assign each person a letter in the same order as they appear in the dialogue as a, b, c, etc.

  1. For your chosen extract, draw the social network diagram and build the same matrix of 0 and 1's as per figure 1.

  2. Describe any patterns of people's interactions that you discover. (I am forcing you to think here)

  3. If you were to repeat this analysis on another set of blogs from another POD, would you find the same patterns?

  4. Why or Why not (HINT - changes in context and process may be just some variables to consider)

  5. Support your opinion with any of the reference provided or with others you find.

A= Mel

B= Liz

C = Lesley

D= Ben

E – Shin

The data that was used for the purpose of this question was taken from a Redpod group meeting. As is the case with all Redpod meetings the conversation flowed steadily – but it is not always on topic. Despite this, the group are very forthcoming with discussing their successes as well as challenges. Everyone seems to be happy to support others to overcome these challenges.

While I know that our meetings with the Redpod members are relatively fruitful and full of discussion I do not feel this is reflected in either of the above diagrams. While I guess it shows we all interacted with each other it does not indicate much about the tone of the conversation, nor does it detail the depth of the conversation. I think upon reflecting on the discussions I have had as part of this online journey I have discovered that I am pretty much a follower and a peacemaker.

I do not think that the results would be the same in another set of blogs from another POD because my the roles may differ in a different situation. As pointed out by Valdis Krebs “organization charts prescribes that work and information flow in a hierarchy, but network mapping reveals (they) actually flow through a vast web of informal channels.


Topic 9 Exercise 9.2

Research and Evaluation in Government 2.0
Ever since our state and federal politicialns began using tools like Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, the 'mashup' of social networking with politics was inevitable. Now all over the world there are summits on Government 2.0 in Australia, The Gruen Report is due in late 2009. Here is an interesting audio to explain about Parpicipatory democracy, Web 2.0 and the Government 2.0 Taskforce
  1. Summarise the use of

Wiki drafts of papers for public discussion and

Twitter in Government

2. Did you see yourself as a supporter of Government 2.0? If so how did you benefit? If not then explain why. Consider the Gov 2.0 taskforce site at and the conference at

Wikis are designed to be a collaborative tool used to gather information. Some businesses are beginning to use wikis as drafts of public discussion. Users are requested to review information and where they deem it appropriate add relevant information. The information gathered on the Wiki usually includes specific challenges, issues and innovations. Staff usually post the wikis for review, comment and to seek additional content. Staff will then usually incorporate edits, comments and additions as appropriate and develop a final draft which is then submitted to members. Similarly, Twitter is being used in Government - for example both members of the public and government officials can use twitter as a place for discussion


In all honesty, prior to this course I hadn’t even heard of Government 2.0 – so it is very difficult to contribute an opinion. I have heard of a task force and have seen some articles about this – but because of my limited knowledge would find it difficult to offer any sort of worthwhile opinion.

Topic 9 Exercise 9.1

Is Social Networking A Business Model?
Join the site called and set up your "business" profile. While many businesses use social networking sites of buy islands in virtual worlds, some argue that there use is not a model for doing business.
What are the arguments for and against social networking being classified as a business model?
As suggested I joined the LinkedIn website and was intrigued to find what it was all about. Although I find it hard to see the relevance a website like this would have with me in my current situation, I can see the benefits for others. In particular, being able to set up a slide show to be shown in another location would be ideal.

As pointed out by Wikipedia “social networks connect people at a low cost, this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to expand their contact bases” Companies also have the option of using social networks to advertise their businesses in the forms of banners and text ads.

A distinct disadvantage of using a site such as LinkedIn. Is that users can become so absorbed that they do not click on the banners and text ads for businesses. The other distinct disadvantage would be that it does not seem that advertisers can tell if their target group has been reached.